Spring is here and it is a spring like no other!
We are writing this email to you, reflecting on the fact that the world we live in is quite different from what it was only a couple weeks ago. We have entered into an unsettling, uncertain time in our local and global community. We have to make complex decisions on a daily basis in order to keep our customers, staff, and people around them safe.
Over the past 20 years we have been fortunate enough to meet and work with so many great people, you, our customers. We are proud to feel like you are partnering in our business and we are partnering in yours. One thing that we have observed through the years is that the wine industry shares a particular comradery in that we look out for one another. If there is ever a time that this good will is needed it is now. We appreciate and value each and every one of you.
We know your business operations are extremely challenged by the current situation. Especially since we all have been urged by the different governments to cease operations and not to gather in communities.
Our admiration goes out to everyone who cares for each other in these circumstances. Whether at home or at work. Together, we can make a difference. That’s why the well-being of our customers, family, employees, friends, and community comes first. Therefore, we continuously take all precautionary measures possible. We are closely monitoring communications from the centers for disease control (CDC), local health departments and government advisories regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19) threat. We have devised a strategy based on the recommendations of the CDC to combat the spread of this and any infectious disease. We are taking the following measures:
• Increased sanitation and hygiene throughout our facility
• Encouraging quarantine for employees at risk of or showing symptoms of any infectious disease
• Limiting physical contact with vendors, customers, shipping lines, etc
• Closely monitoring employee health
Spring is indeed here we see it in the buds that are beginning to push. Every year this is such a hopeful time as the next vintage begins to show its self in the smallest of places. We hold fast to hope knowing that we will get through this crisis.
We strive to operate without disruption. Maintaining support to our customers’ business needs and our service commitment remains unchanged. Therefore, if there is anything in addition that we can do to support you, please reach out to us. Don’t forget, we value your business and will support you.